Saturday 22 May 2021

Pentecost - Whitsunday. Light in the darkness....

This Sunday we celebrate the descent of the Holy Ghost on Pentecost, the "birthday" of the Church, or Whitsunday as it has been commonly called for hundreds of years (white referencing the white robes the newly baptized would wear on this day in the early church). This marks the second consecutive Pentecost Sunday we are deprived of the ability to attend Holy Mass. There are no more words left to address this. We can only turn to God in prayer. May the Holy Spirit enkindle in our leaders the fire of love for and bring this awful time to an end, that the worship the Lord ay be restored to us.

There is much confusion regarding when we will be able to resume Mass in Churches of the Archdiocese of Toronto. We can only relate what we know and promise to keep you informed. The most optimistic estimate at the present time is August 1, the Ninth Sunday after Trinity. The situation is uncertain from one week to the next.

In some good news, the installation of the main part of the new sound system at SVdP has been completed, and you will notice on the livestream that the scaffolding has been removed. Final tuning will take place this coming week, but the difference is already shocking in every part of the church - God's word will finally be heard by the faithful of STM and SVdP with the same level of clarity and precision with which it is preached. Thanks be to God and to the intercession of Blessed Carlo Acutis for making this project possible and guiding it.

In other good news, we have taken delivery of 30 copies of the Ordinariate's order of the daily prayer of the Church, which is known by several names: The Breviary, The Divine Office, The Liturgy of the Hours. In the Ordinariate is is called Divine Worship - Daily Office, or simply "The Office". We have received this gift from the Church not to put it on a bookshelf, but to pray it. It is our hope that we will be able to pray Matins and Evensong publicly and often as time and schedules permit so that we may share this gift with the entire Church. This will be a challenge, and so we welcome ideas on how to best accomplish this both virtually and, God willing, in person.

There are several collects from the Breviary that jump out as most fitting to recite in these times, and our most powerful response to the present situation:

O God, who as at this time didst teach the hearts of thy faithful people, by sending them the light of thy Holy Spirit: grant us by the same spirit to have a right judgement in all things, and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort; through the merits of Christ Jesus thy Son our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity of the same Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end.

For Bishops and Clergy:
Eternal God, who hast set ministers and pastors in thy Church, by whom thou wouldst plant holiness in the world and reign in the hearts of men: Pour out upon thy servants and the clergy committed to their charge, the flame of thy Holy Spirit, that they may lift up the everlasting light of the Gospel, and feed with the living Bread the flock of thy dear Son; by whom alone mankind shall be healed and glorify thy Name, now and ever.

  • St. Thomas More continues to livestream Holy Mass every Sunday at 12:30 p.m. on our YouTube channel (see bottom of email) during this difficult time. It is highly suggested that you use the Sunday Bulletin (link below) and a Bible to prayerfully follow along with the liturgy being streamed.
  • The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and designated Holy Days is excused when physical attendance is impossible, as it is now in Toronto and most of Ontario. As many benefits as watching the livestream carries, it is not a substitute for being physically present at Holy Mass and does not fulfil an obligation that would be generally binding in normal times.
  • LITURGICAL NOTE ON THE LITANY: In light of the state of emergency and the suspension of the public celebration of Holy Mass, it is highly fitting that the Litany be chanted before each Sunday Mass until we are once again able to attend Mass publicly.
  • Those who wish to receive Holy Communion outside of Mass may sign up here for one of the Communion Services authorized by Cardinal Collins and conducted by the Fathers of the Oratory at St. Vincent de Paul Church on Sundays.
  • Our parish will do everything humanly possible to ensure that no one is left without access to the sacraments, no matter the circumstance. If you find yourself or a loved one in "trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity", please contact the parish through our website by phone or email and appropriate arrangements will be made to help.