Thursday 1 April 2021

Triduum and Easter Sunday update - lockdown edition

 It has been a strange week - a strange year. Today the Ontario government has announced another month of lockdown, and there is some confusion about what this means for churches in Toronto.

  • The lockdown, thankfully, does NOT further restrict our right to worship. The 15% capacity rule remains the same.
  • The good news (if we can use that phrase with regards to the current situation) is that the capacity numbers for St. Vincent de Paul Church have been revised to more accurately reflect the actual capacity of the Church and consequently we can have a slightly larger number of people in the church and remain compliant with the 15% "rule".
  • St. Thomas More is NOT requiring registration to attend the 12:30 Mass for parishioners and those who wish to come. That said, we must observe the capacity limits unjustly imposed by the authorities.
  • As usual, please be patient and follow the directions of the ushers. You MUST wear a mask unless you assert a medical reason for not doing so.
  • Pew segments are marked by green tape. Members of the same household may, of course, sit together in one or more marked "spaces" as necessary.
  • Please do not leave empty "spaces" in the middle of the pews - this prevents us from fully utilizing the limited space available to us.
May we all observe this Holy Week with a renewed closeness to Our Lord and, entering into His passion in a special way this year, become more aware of what He suffered on Good Friday so that we may rejoice with Him on Easter Sunday.

SVP will be livestreaming the Sacred Triduum on the Oratory's YouTube channel:
  • Holy Thursday: 8 pm
  • Good Friday: 3 pm
  • Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil): 9 pm