Friday 23 April 2021

Fourth Sunday of Easter - Masses in Toronto are suspended. Again.

Dear Parishioners and friends of St. Thomas More,

As we endure this period of lockdown and uncertainty in Ontario, one thing is certain: we must pray more and pray more fervently. We must pray for our civil and ecclesiastical leaders: that they my be open to the graces of their offices and not frustrate them through cowardice, compromise, or collaboration with evil. We must pray for one another: that we may all be kept safe from the perils posed by both the Covid disease and the proposed solutions, both medical and societal. Finally we must pray for ourselves: that we may be infused with the supernatural graces of the Holy Ghost so that our wills may be guided by the theological virtues (faith, hope, and charity) and our actions by the cardinal virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance).
  • St. Thomas More will continue to livestream Holy Mass every Sunday at 12:30 p.m. on our YouTube channel (see bottom of email) during this difficult time. It is highly suggested that you use the Sunday Bulletin (link below) and a Bible to prayerfully follow along with the liturgy being streamed.
  • The obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and designated Holy Days is excused when physical attendance is impossible, as it is now in Toronto and most of Ontario. As many benefits as watching the livestream carries, it is not a substitute for being physically present at Holy Mass and does not fulfil an obligation that would be generally binding in normal times.
  • We are accustomed to chanting the Litany in the penitential seasons of Advent and Lent. But it may be used on any penitential day, such as Wednesdays and Fridays, and at any time to beseech God to appease His anger and beg His protection from calamities. In light in light of the state of emergency that has been declared in Ontario and the subsequent suspension of the public celebration of Holy Mass, it is highly fitting that the Litany be chanted. As such, it will be chanted before each Sunday Mass until the stay-at home order is lifted and we are once again able to attend Mass publicly.
  • Those who wish to receive Holy Communion outside of Mass may sign up here for one of the Communion Services authorized by Cardinal Collins and conducted by the Fathers of the Oratory at St. Vincent de Paul Church on Sundays.
  • Our parish will do everything humanly possible to ensure that no one is left without access to the sacraments, no matter the circumstance. If you find yourself or a loved one in "trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity", please contact the parish through our website by phone or email and appropriate arrangements will be made to help.

Saturday 17 April 2021

Easter Lockdown - Suspension of Holy Mass

 This Sunday, April 16, will see the last public Masses celebrated in Toronto for a significant period of time. Our 12:30 Mass WILL proceed this Sunday. The suspension comes into effect on Monday. S. Vincent de Paul church will remain open for private prayer. If you are coming to Mass this weekend, please note the points below. The restrictions are not our choice and we have to enforce them under threat of significant civil penalties:

  • No matter what one thinks of the measures imposed by the government, some people are very scared. The health risks are not imaginary. We must be charitable and not inflame anyone's fears. We must also not put the parish at risk of incurring the significant sanctions now in place.
  • No one in the congregation may sing during the Mass or bring their own hymnals or any other materials. No one may come within 2 meters (6 feet) of someone not residing in the same household.
  • Everyone who is not medically exempt must wear masks in the church at all times, even while seated, except the moment of reception of Holy Communion. Everyone must depart after Mass - gathering in a group of more than one household, even outside, distanced, and masked, is now a violation of the law.
  • Our parish will do everything humanly possible to ensure that no one is left without access to the sacraments, no matter the circumstance. If you find yourself or a loved one in "trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity", please contact the parish through our website by phone or email and appropriate arrangements will be made to help.
  • S. Thomas More will continue to livestream Holy Mass every Sunday at 12:30 p.m. on our YouTube channel (see bottom of email) during this difficult time. It is highly suggested that you use the Sunday Bulletin (link below) and a Bible to prayerfully follow along with the liturgy being streamed. 

Thursday 1 April 2021

Triduum and Easter Sunday update - lockdown edition

 It has been a strange week - a strange year. Today the Ontario government has announced another month of lockdown, and there is some confusion about what this means for churches in Toronto.

  • The lockdown, thankfully, does NOT further restrict our right to worship. The 15% capacity rule remains the same.
  • The good news (if we can use that phrase with regards to the current situation) is that the capacity numbers for St. Vincent de Paul Church have been revised to more accurately reflect the actual capacity of the Church and consequently we can have a slightly larger number of people in the church and remain compliant with the 15% "rule".
  • St. Thomas More is NOT requiring registration to attend the 12:30 Mass for parishioners and those who wish to come. That said, we must observe the capacity limits unjustly imposed by the authorities.
  • As usual, please be patient and follow the directions of the ushers. You MUST wear a mask unless you assert a medical reason for not doing so.
  • Pew segments are marked by green tape. Members of the same household may, of course, sit together in one or more marked "spaces" as necessary.
  • Please do not leave empty "spaces" in the middle of the pews - this prevents us from fully utilizing the limited space available to us.
May we all observe this Holy Week with a renewed closeness to Our Lord and, entering into His passion in a special way this year, become more aware of what He suffered on Good Friday so that we may rejoice with Him on Easter Sunday.

SVP will be livestreaming the Sacred Triduum on the Oratory's YouTube channel:
  • Holy Thursday: 8 pm
  • Good Friday: 3 pm
  • Holy Saturday (Easter Vigil): 9 pm