Monday 5 March 2018

Laetare Sunday, March 11 at STM Toronto

Our thanks today to Fr. Derek Cross C.O. who has come to celebrate Mass and preach.

HYMN # 396 – Let saints on earth in concert sing (Dundee)

Kyrie – Short Communion Service in the Phrygian Mode  (CharlesWood)

Homily  (Sit)    Fr. Derek Cross C.O.

Form II  (Kneel)                            page 27 
 Universal Intercession – That those who have material, political or spiritual power
may resist any lure of corruption.
Please offer prayers for the following intentions:
+   Persecuted Christians in N. Korea, China, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria & others.
+   Ste. Marie-De-Deux-Montagnes, St-Benoît-du-Lac, for those discerning vows to the contemplative life, for vocations to holy orders and those to be ordained D.V. this
Spring:  Br. Robert-Charles, Br. Sean-Patrick (priest) and Murray O’Coin (deacon)
+   Those who are ill and those recovering: Lillias, Feliks, Murray, Heidi, Annette, Judy.
Offertory Hymn # 339 – Be thou my vision  (Slane) 

Offertory Motet –  Rejoice in the Lord always  (16th century Anon.

Short Communion Service in the Phrygian Mode   
Motet – O pray for the peace of Jerusalem  (Thomas Tomkins) 

Hymn # 507 – The Lent Prose, “Attende Domine”  Mode V

The Angelus                                                                                                  

– Please join us downstairs in the parish hall for refreshments after Mass. –  

Weekdays at STM/ SVDP
HOLY MASS:  Monday – Friday                           8:00 a.m. OF
 (except Maundy Thursday to Holy Saturday)  
Saturday & Civic Holidays                            10:00 a.m. OF
DW =  Divine Worship form of the Roman Rite in traditional English.
OF   Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite in modern English.

CONFESSION: Saturdays 4 – 5 p.m. and 15 minutes before each Mass.