Monday 26 March 2018


The choir of the Parish of St. Thomas More will sing High Mass at the Newman Centre Church of St. Thomas Aquinas

This will allow those working downtown to fulfill their Mass obligation on the way home and is an opportunity for students and staff at U of T to experience the traditional English language and music of the Divine Worship form of the Roman Rite.

Church of St. Thomas Aquinas at the Newman Centre
St George Street at Harbord, U of T

Monday 5 March 2018

Laetare Sunday, March 11 at STM Toronto

Our thanks today to Fr. Derek Cross C.O. who has come to celebrate Mass and preach.

HYMN # 396 – Let saints on earth in concert sing (Dundee)

Kyrie – Short Communion Service in the Phrygian Mode  (CharlesWood)

Homily  (Sit)    Fr. Derek Cross C.O.

Form II  (Kneel)                            page 27 
 Universal Intercession – That those who have material, political or spiritual power
may resist any lure of corruption.
Please offer prayers for the following intentions:
+   Persecuted Christians in N. Korea, China, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria & others.
+   Ste. Marie-De-Deux-Montagnes, St-BenoĆ®t-du-Lac, for those discerning vows to the contemplative life, for vocations to holy orders and those to be ordained D.V. this
Spring:  Br. Robert-Charles, Br. Sean-Patrick (priest) and Murray O’Coin (deacon)
+   Those who are ill and those recovering: Lillias, Feliks, Murray, Heidi, Annette, Judy.
Offertory Hymn # 339 – Be thou my vision  (Slane) 

Offertory Motet –  Rejoice in the Lord always  (16th century Anon.

Short Communion Service in the Phrygian Mode   
Motet – O pray for the peace of Jerusalem  (Thomas Tomkins) 

Hymn # 507 – The Lent Prose, “Attende Domine”  Mode V

The Angelus                                                                                                  

– Please join us downstairs in the parish hall for refreshments after Mass. –  

Weekdays at STM/ SVDP
HOLY MASS:  Monday – Friday                           8:00 a.m. OF
 (except Maundy Thursday to Holy Saturday)  
Saturday & Civic Holidays                            10:00 a.m. OF
DW =  Divine Worship form of the Roman Rite in traditional English.
OF   Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite in modern English.

CONFESSION: Saturdays 4 – 5 p.m. and 15 minutes before each Mass.

Thursday 1 March 2018

Parish Novena

Through the intercession of Our Lady of Walsingham, St. Kateri Tekakwitha St, Thomas More and Blessed John Henry Newman we ask God to restore Murray O'Coin to health and strength to serve our Lord as Deacon in the Catholic Church, serving Christ the King, Tyendinaga.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.  
Let us pray. 
God our Father, you granted to your servant Blessed John Henry Newman wonderful gifts of nature and of grace, that he should be a spiritual light in the darkness of this world, an eloquent herald of the Gospel, and a devoted servant of the one Church of Christ.
With confidence in his heavenly intercession, we make the following petition for the healing of Murray and strength to serve his family and the mission of Christ the King, Tyendinaga.
We give thanks for the insight into the mysteries of the kingdom of Blessed JHN who was zealous in defense of the teachings of the Church, and in his priestly love for each of your children; we pray that he may soon be numbered among the Saints.
We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Our Father,  Hail Mary,  Glory be.