Thursday 18 March 2021

Public Masses set to resume this Passion Sunday, March 21st

Finally, after many long months, we once again resume the supreme public act of the worship of God - the public celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. This Sunday, March 21 commonly called Passion Sunday, churches will be allowed to operate at 15% capacity. We are cautiously optimistic that this time we will stay open, but we cannot rely on blind optimism alone. We have a more powerful tool - prayer and fasting. Especially and most intently for whose in authority who are weak of mind and will, and lack courage.

This coming Sunday registration is not required for parishioners of STM, though we will be keeping careful counts so as to comply with regulations imposed on the faithful. Those who are not parishioners of STM may click here to register (scroll to the bottom to find the Ordinariate Mass). This may be revised in future as the situation develops, so stay tuned.