Monday 18 May 2020

Novena to the Holy Ghost: May 23 to 31, A.D. 2020

Dear friends, 

Every year our parish offers a novena (nine days) of prayers in preparation for Pentecost. Normally this begins on the Friday after Ascension and ends on the Saturday of the Vigil (day before) of Pentecost. On the Day of Pentecost we all gather for Holy Mass and the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation and reception into full communion of those who have been preparing for these sacraments and rites. 

This year, in the knowledge that we will be unable to gather together on Pentecost, we begin the novena today, so that it will conclude on the Solemnity of Pentecost itself. So let us begin this novena in our homes and families today, and conclude it on the day of Pentecost itself by reading together the texts of the Mass on that day, which will be sent out in advance next week. 

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Asking the prayers of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in time of Pandemic

O clement, O loving, 
O sweet  Mother Mary, 
We, your children of every nation, 
Turn  to  you  in  this  pandemic. 
Our troubles are numerous; our fears are great. 
Grant that we might deposit them at your feet, 
Take refuge in your 
Immaculate Heart, 
And obtain peace, 
healing, rescue, 
And timely help 
in all our needs. 
You are our Mother.
Pray for us to your Son.

Monday 4 May 2020

Easter 5 - The Good Shepherd

The empty tomb affirms that God has made Jesus both Lord and Messiah, as St. Peter asserts in the readings this Sunday. 

He is the “Lord,” the divine Son who David foresaw at God’s right hand (Psalms 3; 110:1; 132:10–11). Jesus is the Messiah that God had promised to shepherd the scattered flock of the house of Israel (Ezekiel 34:11–14, 23; 37:24).

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who is sent to us, the people who are like sheep without a shepherd (Mark 6:34; Numbers 27:16–17). By adoption we are incorporated as the children of Israel: Jesus’ brothers and sisters.  He also calls to all those who are far off—whomever the Lord wishes to hear His voice.

The call of the Good Shepherd, then, leads to the waters of Baptism, to the anointing oil of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation, and to the table with the overflowing cup of the Eucharist, as alluded to in the beloved Psalm 23, the Shepherd’s Psalm – The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

On this 4thSunday of Easter, we hear Jesus’ voice calling us his own. He awakens in us the response of those who heard Peter’s preaching. “What are we to do?” they asked.

We have been baptized; but we go astray like sheep, as we hear in today’s Epistle. We always need to repent, to seek forgiveness of our sins, to separate ourselves further from corruption.

We are called to follow in the footsteps of the Shepherd of our souls. By His suffering He bore our sins in His body to free us from sin. But His suffering is also an example for us. From Him we should learn patience in our afflictions, to hand ourselves over to the will of God.

Jesus has gone ahead, through the dark valley of evil and death. His Cross has become the narrow gate through which we must pass to reach the empty tomb and the verdant pastures of abundant life.

Acts 2:14, 36–41
Psalm 23:1–6
1 Peter 2:20–25
John 10:1–10